A Surprise in the Days of Covid-19

1 May

Word Press.com informed Woolywestern eye that Magical Normal liked the most recent post. So this woolly-headed individual decided to return the unexpected pleasure.

Don’t forget to click on this special site.  It’s amazing;  combing floral closeups, magnificent mountains at various times of day, and a note about the creator, a school teacher in Colorado having to switch to on-line teaching on quite short notice, thanks to Covid-19.

Cats and dog are included with all their appealing qualities, I am sure enhanced by the photographer’s affection.

If that wasn’t enough, the creator writes haiku, the 5-7-5 poetic form developed, honed, practiced and treasured by the Japanese. The subjects are varied.  As someone who has attempted the form, I am really impressed.

Go look and enjoy the special reality of the Magical Normal.





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