Only Small Squares

22 Nov

No, I’m not talking about midget humans.

Today, when the world swirls around us, seeming to go to hell in a hand basket,
I fervently look for and count collective blessings, positives in full public view and enjoyed by anyone walking or riding in a wheel chair.

Among the unusual are the snatches of poetry engraved in the stops for the F Street Car Line, one of them penned by choreographer Margaret Jenkins’ mother.

But the public gems I mainly refer to are the growing number of bright yellow nobbly squares at street corners, enabling individuals and their walkers, motorized wheel chairs and person-pushed wheel chairs negotiate between curb and street; actually not to have to negotiate but just move from sidewalk to street without hefting a load.

This holds true for grocery carts as well. There are couple of places which acquired these squares this year near the Kaiser Permanente facilities on Geary
Boulevard. I use them frequently after buying a load of groceries at Trader Joe’s on Masonic. And I say or think a small prayer almost every time.

There doubtless will be more to come, but in the meantime I do count those yellow squares as blessings. Thank you, San Francisco

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